Status Reporting
Sentient PPM Status Reporting gives you confidence in the state of your portfolios by providing you with clear summary and drill-down information showing progress of all of your program and project work across your organization. You can see both the summary and detailed status information in real-time.
This module allows you to define how your project and program managers report status, and provides an automated framework to ensure that status reporting is completed by the due date. Instant information is at your finger tips allowing you to view organization-wide summary or exception reports and then drill down to project level reports.
Re-using Information
The status report pulls in information from other parts of the tool, such as risks, issues, actions, milestones, tasks and changes. Most of the hard work is done for you.
Summary Reporting & Monitor exceptions
Get real-time visibility of the overall health of your portfolios as your programs of work and projects are being delivered. Managers have full visibility of who is submitting status reports and when.
Automated reminder emails ensure program and project managers are notified if their reports are late and exception reports let managers know who is regularly missing their reporting deadlines.

Start reporting
Portfolio summary reporting provides you with a clear overview of the health and status of your portfolios and programs of work. From project commencement to completion, status reporting becomes a compulsory activity and is regularly updated. At the start of each reporting period, a draft status report is automatically created by the system.
Release the report
When the program and project managers have completed their status report, they are then able to release the report. The report is then versioned and locked and can then be emailed or printed out from the system.

Organizational Challenges
Inconsistent, low-quality status reporting
Limited summary information to enable management by exception
Poor identification and visibility of at-risk projects
Burden in providing senior management with a high level picture

Key Benefits
Consolidated summary reporting
Update your stakeholders with concise and clear reporting
See the true status in real-time
Consistency and discipline with regular reporting
Create your own MS Word templates
Identify negative trends and address underlying problems before they escalate