Ensure your organization chooses the right initiatives and projects to invest in and maximize your ROI. The Assessment module captures all of the ideas across your organization then objectively compares and assesses them based on your critical success factors and weightings.
Each initiative is rated against your strategic objectives ensuring consistent business value metrics are used to compare them.
Results are filtered and displayed in easy to read bubble charts making it easy to identify the most attractive investment opportunities.
Build your assessment model
Define and weight the key parameters that contribute to success or failure of your initiatives and projects.
Results can be filtered using a range of configurable options that are selected from drop-down menus.
Visual comparisons for instant decisions
Interactive bubble charts allow for instant objective comparisons to support your decision-making. Bubble size, location and color all make it easy to quickly identify the most compelling investment opportunities.
What-if decisions tailored to the stakeholder
User-defined options allow you to model different scenarios and tailor reports to your different stakeholder audiences.
Instant assessment
Once you have a clear and objective picture you can select the inititaives and projects that are most aligned and that will deliver the best business outcome.
Ad hoc project selection
Inconsistent initiative assessment
Lack of accountability
Poor visibility of new initiatives
Poor strategic alignment
Organizational Challenges
Tailored to your organization
Measure and refine on a level playing field
Objectively compare projects
Increased Alignment & Accountability
Better Control and Understanding