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Financial Management

Sentient PPM Financial Management will help you to maximize control of your investments by providing real-time financial information and enabling dynamic decision-making.


Sentient PPM Financial Management touches all of the key enterprise-wide PPM areas. It supports your planning and prioritization processes as you assess which initiatives will be delivered, through to ensuring your portfolios are on track in real-time.


It helps you to identify where your budget may be at risk in time to intervene and remediate, and facilitates financial data collection for the reporting framework to support your decision-making processes.

Seamlessly Integrate 

Sentient PPM makes it as easy as possible by offering different integration options with your financial system.

Plan and budget

Use the Workplan to monitor your portfolios and see how they are tracking against your budgets in real-time.  The Workplan summary report assimilates real time financial data into an interactive report with ‘drag and drop’ functionality so you can model different budget scenarios quickly and easily.


‘What-if’ scenarios can be modeled in real-time by moving projects and programs around and including or excluding them from your Workplan to see how changes affect your budget baseline. 

Cost Management

Plan, track and manage your program and project costs. Sentient PPM Financial Management provides a central place for the planning and management of your scheduled and actual cost information. At all times you will have visibility over your current spend along with your program and projects and estimated total resource cost at completion.

Capturing Financial Information

Your financial information captured in Sentient PPM is then made available on demand to relevant stakeholders, either through one of the summary reporting options or by drilling directly into the actual programs and projects for more detail.

Organizational Challenges

                       Ad hoc financial reporting means financial data is compromised, or hard to access

   Reporting which arrives too late to be useful

The financial information needed to plan and make decisions is inaccessible, time consuming to compile, or just plain wrong

Key Benefits

A clear picture of the financial landscape

Accurate and consistent reporting

           Integrate with pre-existing enterprise financial systems

Improve capability with a consistent framework

    Full audit trails - Get the real picture

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